Rockets of the World has scale data for over 200 versions of 139 rockets from 14 nations. The data includes dimensioned drawings, color-keyed drawings (B&W fill patterns representing colors), histories and over 180 photos. In addition, Rockets of the World includes an extensive bibliography and information on mail-order sources of drawings and photographs. This edition adds Goddard's A-5 rocket and a Congreve 300-pounder. There are over 40 changes in it, mostly corrections, updates and improvements to drawings. There are four photos added as well. For anyone interested in entering scale or sport-scale events in NAR competition, this book is a "must have". It's also great as a cocktail table book for those that just like reading up on rockets. To see a listing of the rockets included in this book, click here.
Retro Rockets A book about the early liquid-fueled rockets of Robert Goddard and his contemporaries in the US, Germany, and the Soviet Union. 38 rockets depicted with dimensioned, color-keyed drawings. 6 more depicted in less detail. Many photos. 4 model plans. 96 page hardcover. To see a listing of the rockets included in this book, click here. Pricing
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